Saludos Hispanos

Hello, as a HR professional, you may be interested in our services. The Saludos website features job openings in categories such as education, law enforcement, healthcare and technology, to name just a few. also works with city and county governments across the US delivering top notch bilingual jobseekers for open positions. Our website features a variety of job postings ranging from entry-level to executive positions where a bicultural background and/or the ability to speak and understand Spanish is important. With over 50 years of experience, we have been able to help many employers to reach their goals of diversity and inclusion. We understand the importance of having access to a diverse pool of job applicants. The Saludos platform helps you reach the right candidates with the skill sets to reach and serve your Spanish speaking constituents. Our work with cities and counties like yours can help you to fulfill your programs and services to all the members of your community. It can improve communication, expand business opportunities, improve customer satisfaction, and create a more inclusive work environment. For organizations looking to stay ahead of the competition and meet the demands of a diverse and multilingual customer base, investing in bilingual talent is essential. If you are interested in finding job candidates you can post a job for $129 for 30 days or $149 for 60. We also have special packages if you have a large number of job postings. We look forward to working with you to achieve your hiring goals. Click Here to register and get started, or give us a call if you have any questions. Thank you for taking the time to consider our invitation. We look forward to the opportunity to work with your company and help you achieve your hiring goals. Carlos Sanchez (800)748-6426 "Fifty Years Uniting the Bilingual Workforce with Career Opportunities"