Saludos Hispanos

S AL U D O S H I S PAN O S A strong work ethic and solid values are important to her. “I have tried to teach them the value of things and what it has cost Mom to get to where she is, which has not been easy ... nothing has been given to me. Everything I achieved with my own efforts.” She also emphasizes to them the importance of education, of being prepared in school, of good grades. “Thank God, both are good students,” she says. This is the description on Rashel’s Instagram official profile: “Enamorada de mi familia, mis hijos, felizmente casada y fiel seguidora de Jesus” And this is her description on her Facebook official profile: “Antes me preocupaba el futuro, hoy me ocupo del presente, para ser feliz cada segundo porque me lo merezco. Lo que mas me gusta conservar es la honestidad que todos llevamos dentro, y tratar de no juzgar al que esto no le interesa, un trabajo arduo pero no imposible.” One does not have to speak fluent Spanish to understand that she talks about her faith and the core values of honesty and family-- the important virtues in life.